Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Some National Sex Education Updates!

Recently, President Obama signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2010 which takes several steps toward properly promoting and funding programs that will improve sexual and reproductive health for young people across the country! At the same time, the current health reform bill contains a dangerous amendment that would provide funding for abstinence-only programs.

For more information, check out a recent editorial in the New York Times, online here.

Read about another report about the misinformation around sex circulating among young people here.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


The next SEANYC meeting will be on Thursday, January 14th at 10AM. Stay tuned for more details closer to the time!

To stay current on sex education, check out our documents and links section! Newsweek has recently written two great articles on sex education, "The Future of Abstinence" and "A Brief History of Sex Ed in American".

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Today is National Comprehensive Sex Education Call-In Day!!

Even though Sex Education Month of Action is coming to a close, it isn't too late to get involved. Take Action! Call your local Senator TODAY and ask them to strip the Hatch Amendment!

The Hatch Amendment is an amendment that would have a serious impact on sex education in our classrooms. Voted into the Senate Finance Committee's version of healthcare reform 12-11, the Hatch Amendment lays out a $50 million funding plan to get failed abstinence-only programs back into our classrooms.

Call your Senators today to let them know that we won't allow them to slip funding for failed ab-only programs in to health care reform legislation. Strip the Hatch Amendment!

For more information, check out:

Choice USA's National Sex Ed Call-In Day Toolkit

RH Reality Check's Blog on National Sex Ed Call-in Day: Make Your Voice Heard

SIECUS' Sex Ed Month of Action information and opportunities

Friday, October 16, 2009

It was wonderful to have around 100 community members interested in getting comprehensive sex education in NYC schools!

On behalf of everyone at the Sex Ed Alliance of New York City, thank you for joining us last night at “Sex Education in the City”! It was wonderful to come together to learn about the current state of sexuality education and what we can all do to ensure that NYC’s young people receive the comprehensive, age-appropriate information they need to make healthy decisions.

We look forward to working with you all in support of comprehensive sexuality education!

In solidarity,
Sex Ed Alliance of New York City

Take Action!

1. Sign, circulate and mail-in SEANYC’s petition that calls for comprehensive sexuality education in NYC schools.

2. Sign, circulate and mail-in the REAL act petition.

3. Join SEANYC’s picture campaign and upload pro-sex education pictures of you and your friends.

4. Join Planned Parenthood of New York City’s “We’re Going to the Principal’s Office” campaign.

5. Write your US Senators and tell them to take the Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage funding amendment out of Health Care Reform.

Take action with the Sex Ed Alliance of New York City (SEANYC)!

1. Fan SEANYC on Facebook!

2. Check out SEANYC’s Flickr group and upload your pro-sex ed pictures.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Friday, September 11, 2009

Community Forum


SEANYC will host a community forum in New York City on the evening of
Tuesday, October 13th, 2009 from 6:30 to 8:30PM. The purpose of the forum is to raise awareness about the current state of sexuality education in New York City and to share opportunities to take action. The forum will take place in NCJW's auditorium which is located at 820 Second Ave, between 43rd and 44th streets.
We hope you can join us!